POSTS; Rebuttal of the Pontillo and Cipolla Lies from Patrick A Pontillo's own blog which is all conjured up by a pedophile and his Buddy.


Thank you for reading my blog.  You have all been forewarned about A Noted Pervert from the Pittsburgh Diocese and his Very Good Buddy Pat A Pontillo, who smears the web with lies about people he doesn't even know.  He captures your interest with pretty pictures then turns it up a notch and gets you reading the Lies and Fabrications he concocts. He's convincing
but not credible.  Sometimes he plagiarizes others, like the woman writer I know from New Jersey.  She threatened him with the law if he didn't cease and desist.  

Another distinguished writer, Randy Engel, just chooses to ignore him because his lies aren't worth her time, and doesn't affect her fan base or readers. Pontillo insults Randy Engel and refers to her as an Old Hag.  She has never said one word about Pontillo.  She writes books and articles, some are available on

Pontillo is a "pseudo" journalist and he is jealous of Randy's fan base and reputation because she's tried and true and has been for years. ( He picks apart everything she prints and twists her narrative to suit himself.)  Not to forget Patrick Pontillo is a Pathological Liar from birth.

You can ask Pat Pontillo anything and he'll have an answer.  That is because he knows everything there is to know about everything.  Just don't make the mistake of believing him.   

Mr. Pontillo tried to blacken my name and reputation by trying to discredit me and my sons by publishing lies about us on his blogs, for one.  

He knew we were going to appear before The Grand Jury in Pennsylvania, against Father Anthony J Cipolla and his past sexual behavior with minor boys. 

The two of them (Pontillo and Cipolla) concocted many ridiculous stories,  about me and my two sons. None of it was true.  They did it in an effort to make our testimony sound unreliable.  It didn't work because we had documented proof, that neither Pontillo nor Cipolla were aware of. That is what we presented to the Pennsylvania State Attorney General, Josh Shapiro.  Fr.Cipolla's original arrest report in 1978 for child molestation, and proof of a Cover-up by the Cardinal, Bishop, and Pittsburgh District Attorney.

In the meantime... Cipolla and Pontillo had a racket going.  They bilked strangers
out of cash and valuables in the name of a Charity which had no affiliation what so ever to a Legal Registered Charity.  

It was Cipolla's and his accomplices' money.  
This went on for years...until Bishop Wuerl was informed about it.
Why didn't then-Bishop Donald Wuerl turn Cipolla in, to the Police or IRS, for fraudulently running a charity and pocketing the proceeds?  

Wuerl had just paid $900,000 in 1994 to Tim Bendig in an out of court settlement, to cover Father Cipolla's sex assaults on Tim Bendig, which began in 1983 when (Tim was twelve) and an Altar Boy.

Charges were made in 1988-lawsuit in1993, settled out of court for $900,000, and a  Non Disclosure agreement in 1994. 

Five years Tim had to fight the church to be heard finally in a court of law.  In 1988 the church tried to pacify the boy by paying for some therapy to help Tim get over the abuse.  ( Fr. Cipolla really did a job on Tim Bendig.)  Worse than what he did to my sons, and Fr. Cipolla hurt all of them. Many more victims are currently in (2020) suing for damages.  

Check with your sons and young male family members.  If they knew Fr. Cipolla,  they could be another one of his victims.

That "Code of Silence" inherent in the Catholic Church, became too heavy a cross to bear.  Bishop Donald Wuerl went to Rome and in 2003, the Pope Laisized Father Cipolla.  No appeal. Even that did not stop Cipolla from plying his "priest charade".  It was his favorite M.O. (Modes Operandi. )

I just want to add that my sons recently received a settlement
for the assaults by Fr. Cipolla back in 1977-1978.  They split a quarter of a million dollars. We were stopped in 1978 from following through with those charges that we preferred against Fr. Cipolla, for inappropriate sexual behavior on my sons.  We tried to stop Fr. Cipolla in 1978.

We tried again in 1993, when I told Bishop Wuerl face to face, all about Fr. Cipolla and why I preferred charges on him back in 1978. At my deposition. Also how I was stopped from pressing any further charges by Cardinal Wright, Bishop Leonard, and the Pittsburgh District Attorney. And special recognition to the Pittsburgh Diocese Attorney who beat us down so much we dropped the charges against Fr. Cipolla.

It's been forty-two years. 

Thanks to the Grand Jury Investigation in August of 2018 in Pittsburgh, all the paperwork from Fr Cipolla's prior pedophilia arrest was finally re-discovered.  The church had covered the arrest up, in 1978 but they kept the original paperwork in what the church calls, their "Secret Archives".  

(The Catholic Church keeps deep, impeccable records)

It was ( Cardinal Wright and Bishop Vincent Leonard ) who did the cover-up and curiously, Cardinal Donald Wuerl was
Cardinal Wright's Secretary back then.  

What did Wuerl know in 1978 but didn't reveal in 1994?  

Did Wuerl orchestrate that 1978 Cipolla Cover-up for his boss?

Why did the Church cover for Fr. Cipolla for forty-two years?

What did Father Cipolla tell Patrick Pontillo about all the 
Pedophilia that was/is so rampant in the Catholic Church? 

Why didn't Pat Pontillo call the Police and report these disgusting offensive blatant crimes??  

Why does Pontillo continue to publish glowing testimonials on behalf of Anthony Cipolla when he knows the truth about that serial child molester?

Why won't he stop lying?  Why won't he print the Truth? 
Cipolla is gone now. I'd say "rest in peace" but I'd be lying. 


This is the reason for my blog:  A blogger named Patrick A Pontillo who was a very close friend of Father Anthony J Cipolla of Pittsburgh, a multiply accused pedophile who was protected by the Pittsburgh Diocese for 25 years because he was part of the pedo-conspiracy in the Pittsburgh Diocese.  Father Cipolla was an insider until he "pushed the limits too far".  He got himself (Forced) Laicized by the Pope Himself in 2003 with "no appeals" accepted.  
Even though Father Anthony J Cipolla was (defrocked) and ordered to stop wearing priestly garb and was commanded numerous times to stop presenting himself as "A Priest In Good Standing" Father Cipolla continued to do as he pleased, saying masses, taking up collections, accepting gifts to the church that never got further than his back pocket.  He knew too much and the Pittsburgh Diocese knew it.  Father Anthony J Cipolla continued on after his Forced Laicization to present himself as  (a priest in good standing) and did so until his death in 2016. Below are links to the lies Pontillo spreads about his "Buddy"  Father Anthony J Cipolla a known pedophile, who was Laicized by the Pope in 2003.  Father Cipolla was the bane of the Pittsburgh Roman Catholic Diocese.   Father Cipolla was finally struck down by a Large Tree in a Churchyard not far from his apartment where he lived with his common law wife "Mark" who was 20 years younger than Cipolla. 

Monthly Archive Listings


PATRICK PONTILLO and Fr Anthony Cipolla were culpable and instrumental in covering multiple instances of Fr. Cipolla's sexual assaults  on the boys of the Pittsburgh Diocese. Both Pontillo and Cipolla inadvertently became co conspirators in the Cardinal Wuerl Cover-ups in Pittsburgh, highlighted in 2018 by the Grand Jury of Pennsylvania.  

The game is not over.  All the "Cards" haven't been played yet. 

Only an idiot would still believe the lies you tell defending Anthony J Cipolla.  The arrests and judicial paperwork were expunged from the records in 1978 and that is why "no one" could locate prior arrest records or complaints on him.  The Pittsburgh Diocese got it covered-up as not to embarrass the Church.  That was a "hell" of a way to guide their faithful members.  

Remind us that we're accountable for our sins but cover-up and deny their own sins.  Isn't that a double-talk?  "Do as I say not as I do."  Then...

Just like the Nazi excuses for their atrocities.  "I was following orders, the Commandant / Bishop made me do it, we weren't aware it was happening.  Are they kidding? The News and Gossip is legendary in the clerical ranks. The Faithful (close friends and admirers then become privy to the overflow of malicious gossip with bits of truth intertwined...and no one does anything.  The Church just brushes it off as "collateral damage" and puts up some smoke screen to quell the inquiries regarding the latest "clergy sexual revelation". 

When will those sick, holier than thou, sexual predators leave our children alone?  When will Mr Pontillo stop defending Anthony Cipolla's supposed honor.  He had none. Nada, zilch, nill, void, zero, worthless, trifling and paltry, a real "Nuthin' Muffin."  


Mr Pontillo, you must have the longest arms known to man.  How you continue to "pat" (pun intended) yourself on the posterior for unwarranted assaults on innocent victims is just appalling.  Sure Cardinal Wuerl was an enabler, but so are you by championing the same sex offender priest that Wuerl and the Pittsburgh Diocese covered for in 1988.  

Thanks to the interference back in 1978 by Bishop Leonard and Cardinal Wright and the DA of Pittsburgh, which let Fr. Anthony Cipolla go free and resume his unholy sexual attacks on the Catholic Boys of Pittsburgh as a "Priest in Good Standing"  

Donald Wuerl knew better, in 1988 when the claims by a young man hit the front page of the newspaper in Pittsburgh accusing Fr Anthony Cipolla of long term sexual misconduct with a youth of 12 years of age until he was 17 years of age. When the boy turned 18 he went to the Police.

Your story about what happened is False.  You made it up and published it all online even though you knew it was false. You were goading me into a confrontation by spreading those lies about me and my children. 
Pontillo... Father Anthony J Cipolla molested wounded mentally confused and frightened my 2 sons ages 9 and 12 and it still hasn't healed because we were called to testify to the Grand Jury of Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh in 2018.  Our testimony helped to prove collusion in two major cover-ups. 

Think Mr Pontillo, why would we be subpoenaed to appear before the Grand Jury in Pittsburgh if what "you" say is true...and you say Fr Cipolla was never arrested and nothing ever happened back in 1978.     


  • Well I guess it's time to address you again Mr. Pontillo.  It's hard to believe that you are still publishing those insipid lies about Father Anthony J. Cipolla.  Proclaiming his innocence won't change the fact that he was a child predator and a disgusting user of the faithful.  He was a lot like you regarding his tendency to lie about what he doesn't know...and perverting the facts about what he actually does know.
  • I read your latest changes to your Cipolla Tales in your "I got a Cipolla letter!!" post. 

  • I told you a hundred times.  Remove the lies you publish online about me my family and anything concerning your hero, Anthony J. Cipolla ex-priest and my family.
  • I can't defend Cardinal Wuerl now that I know that he Covered Up Fr. Cipolla's crimes.  He enabled a three time accused pedophile to molest carte blanche, your sons as well as other parents sons while then Bishop Wuerl  (kept the lid on it in Pittsburgh.)  That is until Fr. Cipolla pushed the boundaries to the brink...embarrassing Bishop Wuerl and the Church over and over again. 

  • Mr. Pontillo, you were right in your assessment of Cardinal Wuerl but not when it came to the child abuse by Father Anthony J. Cipolla.  You...same as the Cardinals Wuerl and Wright and Bishop Leonard covered for Anthony Cipolla.  He used his cassock and collar to solicit donations from the faithful and those with guilty consciences.  What did Cipolla have on the Cardinals??  
  • Maybe Cipolla was one of their procurers.  (Like a Made Man) in the Mafia??  Who knows why Wuerl chose to bury the crimes against children for the sake of that pervert priest and all the rest of them. 


Cardinal Donald Wuerl knew all the way back in 1988 that Fr. Anthony Cipolla was a child molester and well aware that there was a previous "cover-up" the hierarchy of the Pittsburgh Catholic Diocese in 1978. I 'm ashamed that my Church treated my son's so callously and kept that secret for fourty years. This allowed Fr Anthony J. Cipolla  to scam and molest more young boys. . .until he hit that tree in a church yard the day after his 73rd birthday. immediately after being told that the Pennsylvania Grand Jury was ready to expose him and the Famous Journalist Randy Engel was getting ready to release his secrets. The jig was 2017. Cipolla and some of his followers tormented us for close to forty years and do till this day in the stories published online by a con man by the name of Patrick A Pontillo.

Read these links below and familiarize yourself
with Cipolla's and Pontillo's lies.

01-16-19    Please click the links below so you will recognize his lies.  You will be an eye witness to the perjuries he publishes.
Irrefutable Proof that Pontillo lies and slanders my family below.

Monthly Archive Listings

I downloaded this from Pontillo's site today, 08-06-18...he's added to it since he first published it online...and it's accessible every day, even though I've begged him to take us out of his fraud blog.  All we know is he's  still blogging about us daily.
I don't know if this guy is a cracked pot or what he is but he 
has been harassing us since 2009...and shows no sign of stopping.  It began right after my youngest son was killed in a 
truck/pedestrian accident. Anthony Cipolla a pedophile laicized priest and Patrick Pontillo his co-author started calling and emailing me. They also set up a blog and published it.  In 2016 Cipolla died, and Pontillo continues to slander us and fabricate rumors about us.  Pontillo claims everyone has lied except him
when that's the biggest lie of all.  You can't trust anything he
writes because he lies constantly. He can't be trusted to give you a truthful answer.   
Mr. Pontillo wouldn't recognize the truth if it came from Christ's Own Mouth. 

He's so wrapped up in trying to get noticed for "his brand" of journalism...that he will write anything and I mean everything,
swear by its authenticity after just 20 minutes ago he read it online or he made it all up himself. That's not journalism.
I'm no writer but I believe if he publishes lies and rumors about us, I should be able to at least print the truth to defend
ourselves.  Once the Grand Jury Report in Pittsburgh is released to the public, the lies Pontillo and Cipolla spread about
us will be proven as lies and scandal and justice will be served.

Please click below for an example of the verbal abuse and embarrassment he has visited upon us and our friends.  

Please keep in mind that Pontillo's statements are NOT TRUE.
...also, I have NEVER told a lie about Mr. Pontillo...he really is a pathological liar. I did not start this goofy debate with Pontillo or Cipolla.  Father Cipolla sexually molested my sons
and Pat Pontillo was his accomplice in punishing us for calling
the Police.  I will # hashtag below any statement that is not true.

Diane Thompson-Mangum would have called the police, if she believed what she wrote about this site being the front of a "pederasty protection ring." She was deliberately lying, to get you to avoid reading about her fraudulent misrepresentations.#    

It began as one punishing email insult or phone call after another not in rapid succession but semi-sporadically. DT 

Diane Mangum-Thompson-Labiaux avoided providing proof in any of her
accusations against Anthony Cipolla, DA Bob Colville, and Bishop Vincent
Leonard in her SEVEN web logs. #  Rather, she created multiple diversionary
tactics # and attacked me from A to Z. # She even mocked an Australian Outback
Gal # who was pivotal in my life, showing how vile, crass, and vicious is this
Diane Thompson-Mangum-Labiaux, aka whatever-other-name-she-used.#DT

In one of her damning allegations, while providing zero evidence and zero
witness accounts,# she claimed that I am Anthony Cipolla in disguise #operat-
ing a pederasty protection ring through the Wuerlgate site whihch condemns
the pederasty cover-ups of Donald Wuerl.#####! DT

Such a damning rumor morphs, and even though Cipolla is deceased, it will
That's precisely what I said to him when I asked him to stop telling lies
and spreading nasty rumors about us back in 2009 thru 2018. DT
still be believed by  Randy Engel  followers that  the person operating this
Wuerlgate site runs a pederasty protection ring, even though the Wuelgate
site condemns pederasty.
Randy has never mentioned you at all that I know of.  You made that up 
Pontillo. #DT

Now, if Diane Thompson really believed that I were operating a pedophile
ring, then she would have contacted the law enforcement authorities.  They
would have:# DT

?- long sing discovered the pedophile ring, - arrests would have been made,
?- the story would have been in all of the major news network broadcasts,
?- and she would be an international hero, instead of the present subject of
  a criminal complaint, involving criminal defamation.

Now think, you believers in Randy Engel and Diane Thompson:?? DT

Diane did NOT call the police.#  She did NOT call the state attorneys general
office.#  She did NOT call the FBI.  She did NOT call the Allegheny County
DA's office.# DT

Thus, she is a deliberate liar who knew that I was not Anthony Cipolla op-
erating a pedophile protection ring # and that I personally was not running
any such ring.# DT
I'm a construction worker who does some field work, some
legal work, and some administrative work, along with assisting the com-
pany estimator, between battling and avoiding allergic asthma attacks.???? DT

I do photography and spend a lot of time writing.  I don't have the time for
a criminal ring.#  Plus, my interest is adult female companionship to the
point of having someone who can finish my sentences.  No one can predict 
what you'll say or print because you're too spastic. DT

Concerning Diane Thompson believers:

Diane Thompson Believers???? DT

Randy Engel, in her Nov/Dec article, claimed that Diane Thompson was
a teller of the truth, always and in every way.  Thus, Randy Engel, in her
silence ... in her tacit  approval of Diane Thompson's damning accusation
about the Wuerlgate site which ever so coincidentally condemns Engel ...
is claiming that Diane Thompson tells the truth when she claims that the
person operating this Wuerlgate site runs a criminal enterprise. Big Fat ###

Randy Engel, through her silence, is telling you that I am criminal.#  Yes,
according to Randy Engel, a guy she used to ask to post her writings and
who has an FBI clearance, is a criminal. # This is great for government con-
spiracy theory buffs.

This mean that, if you are a believer in either Randy Engel or Diane Thomp-
son, then you have the moral obligation to call the police on me, right now.

Or or or call the Pennsylvania State Attorney general's office, being that this
is being written in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania ... or the Allegheny County DA's
office ... or better yet, call the FBI.  Go do it.  I'm waiting.  Let's go.  I don't
have all day. # "What's it gonna be girl ??? yes or No?????"  "And all I 
can"  "Let me sleep on it..._ _let me sleep on it...Let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning"!!!!!  To be continued

Now, if you to claim that  Diane Thompson is the teller of truth, but you
do NOT call law enforcement on me, then you are admitting, by not call-
ing the police, that you know that Diane Thompson is lying, and that you
merely want people to believe in her lies about me, out of hared for me ...#

... and quite frankly, you wouldn't  be the first, second, or third person who
hated me to the point of death ...  or even attempted murder .... and attempt-
ed assault & battery.  Yes, I make people like Diane Thompson, Father James
Torquato, and 257 pound thieves really really really mad at me.

I'm calling your bluff.  I'm also calling the bluff of the New Jersey Conspir-
acy Theory Housewife whose name I do not mention for legal purposes.
She is the one whom Randy Engel calls her good good friend.  The New
Jersey housewife's bluff is paramount, because she wrote to me and said
that she believed Diane Thompson.   So, get her to call the police on me,
if she believes Diane Thompson.  Thompson said that the operator of this
site is running a criminal network, so get that hag to call the cops on me.
I said you "could be" because how was I supposed to know who you 
were, slandering me online.

Oh by the way.  Two caveats for you to remember.  After you do call the
police on me, you better call an attorney to defend you in a civil lawsuit.
Pontillo loves to threaten people...
Plus, you will also need a criminal defense attorney, when you get arrest-
ed for filing a false police report, if you claim that this site is operated by
the operator of a criminal pedophile ring.  But, don't let that stop you. #

With all kidding aside, being that no one called the police on me, it shows
that  no one believes Diane Thompson, after all.  It's just that  some people
are bored in life and love to hear vile accusations.  Some people are the lov-
ers of lies.  In fact, the definition of a sinner, according to Saint Bernadette
Soubirous, is a person who LOVES evil. # (look into a mirror if you want
a prime example.)  "You" are a false profit!!!!

The other important feature:

The trick that you might have missed is that Thompson is attempting
to trick you into thinking that my sources are pedophiles.  For the re-
cord, my sources have included married women with children, one of
whom recently went through cancer-related surgery and who has a
Downs Syndrome son.  Another one of my sources has security clear-
ances no different than the ones I earned.  Other sources of mine in-
cluded professionals.  Others included those in high society, as well
as Regular Joes ... Average Joes ... Ordinary Joes. #  Or Joe Blow's
like you Mr. Pontillo.

Most importantly, my most pertinent sources were sheets of papers
known as documents.  Documents don't molest children.  Without
the paperwork evidence, I would not have a case.  Period.#

Now, if you want to run around and tell people that my sources are
pedophiles, then I can assure you that my real sources will think no-
thing of taking you to court with highly reputable lawyers.   In fact,
one of my sources IS the wife of a lawyer.  So, go for it.  Defame me
even further.#

Do you finally understand that all which Mangum-Thompson-Labiaux
wrote about me was one contiguous lie, done knowingly and deliberate-
ly, in order to divert your attention from her wrongs?  She lied to cover
her lies.#  I understand he may have been Cipolla's live-in lover for
a span of time before Cipolla met his younger more handsome lover 
Mark, who Cipolla lived with until the day he died.


The latest news Pontillo...I told you Fr. Cipolla was a predator
from as far back as 1977.  When The Pittsburgh Diocese
Clergy Hemorrhage begins, you will seal your fate as a "fake" journalist.  No One Will Believe Your Lies about Cipolla again.
When you are forced to retract your lies, I will finally be able
to relax...and not suffer your abuse any longer. To this very day,
you lie about me and my children and praise that old pervert.
You hurt us every day that it's online for all to see.  You spread Cipolla's Venom.  Cipolla was so angry that his best-laid plans had to be scrubbed when we gave our depositions to then-Bishop Donald Wuerl in 1993.  
Cipolla thought he would never hear from us again. We heard about Tim's and Wuerl's problems with Cipolla and I felt we should offer finally stop him for good.  I didn't know you couldn't stop Cipolla...
not even death would as it turns out. Thanks to you, Patrick A. Pontillo.    
BTW... Bishop Wuerl is now:  Cardinal Arch Bishop of Washington D.C. Donald Wuerl. 
Please read the two links I have posted for you.
READ THESE TWO LATEST REPORTS........July 27th, 2018

                                                                                                                          July 27, 2018

Mr. Pontillo, I accept the fact that you have a faulty perception of me and my sons because of Fr Anthony J Cipolla.
You are entitled to feel the way you feel, even though you are 
wrong.  I have no right to try to change the way you feel or how you see us.  This is America...if you are bound and determined
to spread lies about people you don't know, it's your prerogative to do so.  Just remember that your credibility can be irreparably damaged when the truth does come to the surface...and it "is coming to Pittsburgh..."  My reason for 
continuing to warn people that you are lying about my family
and alert them that you seem to us to be an unsavory, unstable character.  You came out of nowhere and began slandering my sons and myself online.  You wrote scenarios that you dreamed
up about three old sexual molestation cases.  All against Father Anthony Cipolla of Pittsburgh Pa. You boldly turned the facts around and made my sons the villains and me a co-conspirator, online to the world wide web.  You called me a liar over and over and you claimed my sons were frauds and lied to get money...then you said you discovered it never happened at all.  I opened up this blog to communicate with you, I asked then demanded that you stop spreading lies about my family.  You ignored me and that is why I opened this blog, to try to counter the vile things you were saying.  I thought if you can spread lies then I'd just spread the truth.    I knew you scanned google and you'd click on my blog post eventually. Two weeks is all it took. 

It's time to end this, "whatever it is", I shouldn't be forced to defend my family from your vicious lies.  Cipolla is dead Pontillo, I don't want to feel threatened and belittled by the 
two of you anymore.  Give it a rest...admit you made a mistake and get out of our lives...for good.
All the times you accused me of lying will come back to you and those false claims you made will be your undoing.  It's going to take more than a "whoops, my bad"!!  I have given you all the chances you ever needed to redact your misguided claims and accusals. is a sham and if you insert my name, Diane Thompson at the top right-hand side of his can read the trash he posts about us which are deliberate lies.  Or click on his version of the "Cipolla Case in detail" also to the right-hand side and down a bit.  It's all a series of lies to shame us for trying to stop Pontillo's muse...Anthony J Cipolla...from doing further harm to children.
Mr. Pontillo claims to have millions of readers who believe and follow his journals...   My chief complaint is the calumny he publishes regarding my family, my friends and myself.
It's despicable.

I also found this from one of his posts...and thought I'd share it with you.
to be continued...  


The daily battle with Pontillo seems to be ending but there are still so many lies and disparaging remarks that he must clarify with the truth.  Why would he lie about us?  His partner did molest 3 children that I'm aware of...and got away with it.  Cardinal Wuerl and Pope John Paul II tried to stop Fr Anthony J Cipolla after 25 years of abuse of children.  Fr Anthony J Cipolla never stopped...even after he was defrocked. 
(Laiscized) involuntarily by the Pope, with no appeals. 
Mr. Pontillo, why can't you call a spade a spade??  Fr Cipolla was a child molester and he lied for years so he could cover up
his dirty sexual assaults on kids.  

When I cut and print many of Pontillo's Lies so the readers can see what is really being said, instead of his versions of what was said...he goes back and deletes and then re-posts the same lies in a blog with a different context, to make
me look like I'm the one who tells the lies when it's Pontillo all along.  Go to and look up to see how Pontillo constantly moves his slander from one post to another to confuse people.  He is doing pages
of rewriting on every post I mention, but he never loses the lies he tells...he just moves them from blog to blog...lying all the way.  Many people laugh at Pontillo.  He has proven to be a
thorn in my side.  Something akin to a bloodsucking Tick.  
No matter how many showers and antibiotics you take, that
parasite leaves a lasting bad vibe on you.  Like you stepped into something disgusting.  The posts below are a fine example of changes.

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Cardinal Donald Wuerl: His uncovered cover-ups, retaliation...

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a priest's criminal indictment Cardinal Donald Wuerl::: FOUR cover-ups & THREE criminal indictments in ... the opening year of his Pittsburgh tenure Wuerl kept the notorious Father Hoehl in ministry, even after the "life-changing epiphany" ... Propagandist Ann Rodgers. The original EWTN regarded    more...

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Pontillo's latest blog...chock full-o-bull and lame excuses....for your reading pleasure.

The Insanity and Self-Absorbed Tunnel-Vision of it all

Yes, Nuclear Winter is far worse than even ten centuries of Global Warming. Quick Note: The time of this post's original writing is Monday October 16, 2017, at 2:04 pm. I have to be shorter than usual for this, being that I've a lot to get done today. One quick note: You know that, on April 14, 2016, an attempted murder was performed on me ... or or or we can say that it was an attempted severe act of assault and battery witnessed by the president of the humble-sized construction corporation for whom I work. Well, in April of 2017, a former member of the Dept of Defense performed an... more »

The Self-Absorbed Tunnel-Vision of it all

Yes, Nuclear Winter is far worse than even ten centuries of Global Warming. Now, there is a time and a place for everything. Now is NOT the time for Diane Thompson/Mangum to obsess herself with continuing to assassinate my character and the family name of my US Air Force Distinguished Flying Cross Recipient dad who is no longer on Earth to defend his family name. Quick Note: The time of this post's original writing is Monday October 16, 2017, at 2:04 pm. I have to be shorter than usual for this, being that I've a lot to get done today. One quick note: You know that, on April 14, 2016... more »
My answers to Pontillo in blue--

Below is what Pontillo just Posted, 

Cut and Pasted from Pontillo's blog.   ⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊

Engel didn't realize that there is no public school classes in America on July 30
of any year ...
Pontillo was told in May of 2017 that Mrs. Engel made no mistake, my son
had a workbook assignment to complete during his summer vacation 1978 from 
John Morrow School to help with his reading comprehension skills.  He had
to read short stories out loud to me and answer multiple choice questions about
what he read...then I would check the book and sign his work.  He read 3 times a 
week mandatory...which was a struggle...because he was a kid and wanted to play
on his vacation.   
... and that there was no military base in Spartansburg South Carolina in the 1950s,
1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 21st Century, and that Camp Croft was merely a
WWII prisoner of war camp turned into a tourist civilian camp ground in 1946.
Pontillo, you have no clue where the Army trained men for Vietnam.  They don't usually
advertise.  Camp Croft was a huge place with miles of wooded areas.  They were training
paratroopers and practicing to drop heavy equipment in a forested area.  

And why? 

ANS:  Because everything that I wrote about her and her accusations against
Anthony Cipolla was right-on, bulls-eye true.  In the relatively near future, a
court of law will certify it as such.

Pontillo, that High Horse you're on still craps when he walks, leaving mementos
of you and your brief visit.
And of course, Randy Engel's three-part article on the subject was the most
easily disprovable piece of journalism in this era of fake news.  Engel's sole
source, of course, was the white trash family headed by Diane Thompson,
aka Diane Mangum, the libelous teenage pregnancy queen of the 1960s.

Pontillo, just what do you mean by "libelous teenage pregnancy queen of the 1960's"??
I know libelous means lying about someone.  (I have never told a lie about you.)  Name one lie  Pontillo.  A typo or misprint isn't a lie...when it's been noted and corrected in a
timely manner.  
If mistakes are lies, then your whole blog is full of them...but I can only attest to
what you publish about My family, Tim Bendig, Father Anthony J Cipolla and Cardinal Donald Wuerl.  Pontillo publishes Proven Lies to discredit the victims of  Fr Anthony J Cipolla.

 Pittsburgh Press article from November 23, 1988 about Cippola’s case and another similar allegation.      re: Fr Cipolla and Fr Somma charges

Another easily provable shot of libel from Diane Thompson, aka Diana 


Note to Pontillo about the typos and mistakes throughout your blog.  First of all.
Officer Ninehouser was not the detective who wrote up the criminal complaint on Cipolla. Mr. Ninehouser was one of the first two police officers to show up at my apartment when we called the police to report Cipolla's sexual assault on my 9-year-old son. Mr. Ninehouser and his partner called in
the two detectives because of the gravity of the case.  Officer Ninehouser's name was an accidental typographical
error in transposing the policemen's names from the original initial report into Mrs. Engel's article. There were two "sets" of 2 different partners names among other single signatures.  The hand printed report was signed by many people on various (sign here) lines.

You picked the "typo" from the Cipolla Expose and ran with it.  You did your happy dance and patted
yourself on the back for months over a typo.  You sure are the epitome of top-notch journalism.
If you don't tell the truth it's not journalism Mr.'s bull crap.
You lean toward sensationalism...  Stop spicing up the go overboard and turn them into
worthless words and useless lies.

Let us discuss your reasoning Mr. Pontillo:  Your path from incident to conclusive proof is severely
lacking in logic.  You can't get here from there if "you're" navigating.  Logic doesn't frequent
your psyche does it??  Do you think that because you are smart you don't have to use Logic?  How smart is that??

My point is, you made sport of  Mrs. Engel and ridiculed her unmercifully because of a typo which
was just a misprint.  Officer Ninehouser and his partner were involved it's true in the very beginning, but they were not Detectives, they were Policemen.  They excused themselves once they conferred with the Detectives who arrived and took over and who rushed my son to the emergency room.
to be continued...

I would think that anyone who thinks and acts like you, probably does get threatened and assaulted
quite a bit, but I'll bet you deserved it each time.  Maybe God is trying to tell you something, Pontillo!


From Anonymous:

To: Diana

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Last account activity: 34 minutes ago
Words from a Wise Man.....


A wonderful friend of mine sent this email today and I want to share it with you.  He knows
all of it and offers help...

Hello Mrs. Mangum,

I have followed the Cipolla case for quite some time and know the Cipolla family.  As such, I have visited Pat Pontillo's website as well.  I know a psychologist and had this person investigate Pat's website. The psychologist's opinion is Pat possibly suffers from multiple mental health issues.   Among them, and the one that stands out the most is  Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).  I want to share a small tidbit of information on it from Wikipedia.  Pat demonstrates all of these symptoms. While many don't consider Wikipedia 100% accurate, anyone can look up this information on various psychological websites.  I have copied and pasted this directly from the article:

"According to the DSM-5, individuals with NPD have most or all of the following symptoms, typically without commensurate qualities or accomplishments:[8][11]
  1. Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from others
  2. Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
  3. Self-perception of being unique, superior and associated with high-status people and institutions
  4. Needing constant admiration from others
  5. A sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
  6. Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
  7. Unwilling to empathize with others' feelings, wishes, or needs
  8. Intensely envious of others and the belief that others are equally envious of them
  9. Pompous and arrogant demeanor"
Mrs. Mangum, I feel so badly for you, Mr. Bendig and for the countless others that Pat speaks so horribly about.  Apparently, he doesn't follow the statement he made on his own website stating:

"Destroying a reputation unjustly is a mortal sin and takes the
life out of you.  In as much, when you kill others, you kill yourself."

This man truly believes he is a good Catholic/Christian!  That is the very scary part.  You are not dealing with someone who thinks you are lying.  You are dealing with someone who only believes his version of the truth and will not concede no matter what evidence is shown to him.  He is blinded by arrogance.  He gets a rise out of upsetting you. The majority of his blog just goes to show how much power you have over him.  He is enamored with you, or maybe it would be more accurate to say that he has a love/hate relationship with you.  He just loves to hate you. 

I believe that he suffers from multiple personality disorder.  At one point, he is the tough Italian, weighing 230lbs and has a 47-inch chest. He sounds like he is seeking a mate.  Does he think he is on  With his probable multiple personalities, he could probably use help in the dating department. 

On other occasions, he is the weak beta male who has been threatened with violence and people saying "mean things" about him.  Yet other times, he writes like a small child, using redundant words to make a point like a little kid would. 

This guy viciously and demonically attacks you and others, yet his feelings get hurt at the slightest disagreement someone may have of him. 

Pontillo is dangerous.  You never know which one you are going to get.  By the way, the clearances he recently posted are from 2014.  Those clearances need to be renewed yearly.   I have not seen one from 2016 or 2017, have you?  I work in a field where I am required to be fingerprinted for an FBI clearance, pass a state police check as well as a child abuse check.  I know what I am talking about. 

I would strongly recommend that you seek legal counsel.  He has posted more than enough horrible things about you and your family that no judge or jury would let him off.  He thinks if he barks loud enough, he can scare you and others.  A saying that Anthony Cipolla used to quote quite a bit perfectly sums up Pat, "The dog that barks the loudest has the most to hide."  Google him and really look.  Pat has a "colorful" past. 

I would also recommend that you do not visit his blog.  He has absolutely no power over you.  However, he gets fed by you countering his lies and innuendo.  The things that he portrays as lies from you are actually his doctored and perverted portrayal of the real facts. 

Two things Cipolla always stated in some way, shape or form about the molestation accusations and about him being shifted from parish to parish.  He claims that the accusations were made with a motive for the accusers to get money or that they were refused money from him.  This is rather humorous since he usually rubbed elbows with the very wealthy and leeched off of them. 

In regards to him being shifted from parish to parish, he always made accusations about the pastor where he was stationed, stemming from them wanting to see women ordained, to them being alcoholics and finally to them being homosexual. 

Cipolla never admitted his sins.  He was very narcissistic.  He was arrogant, rude and an elitist. 

Just a few more points and I will let you go.  Pat stated that he didn't like Cipolla and that he was more than willing to name him as the molester of ages.  However, when Cipolla died, something snapped inside of Pat.  It was not the regret of having not helped Cipolla.  It was the mourning of someone who lost a family member or a close friend. 

Notice that Cipolla's two other living siblings are not helping Pat.  In fact, Pat falsely represented that Cipolla and his twin sister were close when in actuality, they had been estranged for quite some time.  Tony could not stand his twin.  He only visited his oldest sister and his brother, Vince, when he came to town. 

Pat refers to Wuerl's friends in the Vatican.  Well, guess what?  Tony had multiple friends there as well.  Why do you think the Apostolic Signatura sided with him in 1993?  A lot of strings were pulled.  When Cardinal Wuerl appealed and provided proof of the abuse of your sons, the Signatura had no choice but to clean the egg off of its face and make things right. 

Just like people want to believe that Elvis and JFK are alive, so did Tony's supporters want to believe in his innocence.  As time went on though, the support for him became smaller and smaller.  He displayed his ugly side more and more as he aged.  He was a renegade former priest who thumbed his nose at the church hierarchy.   Yet, he used his authority as a priest and the very authority of the church hierarchy to scare others and to keep them compliant with him. 

One other thing; Pat talks about the police officer that he spoke to.  Oddly, he never mentions the police officer stating that he thought Cipolla was innocent.  Food for thought. 

You having nothing to prove!  Pat started this war.  The burden of proof is on him.  Your sons and Mr. Bendig have the backing of the church concerning the abuse that they suffered. 

Again, seek legal counsel and let them read the blog.  You don't need to read that hate-filled, diabolical garbage.  Pat doesn't think he screws up in his postings.  Yet he does. He types way too much.  He doesn't remember what he posts.  I can fill you in more on that in another communication.  "The dog that barks the loudest has the most to hide!" 

God bless,

A friend in PA 


  1. Here's the latest on Wuerl the sodomite pederast coverup queen Di.

    Watch the video and read the comments


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