Cardinal Wuerl knew in 1978 and again in 1988 that he helped cover up Father Anthony J. Cipolla's sexual assaults on children in Pittsburgh which allowed that pervert to continue molesting children for 35 plus years. Cardinal Wuerl was Cardinal Wright's secretary in 1978 and was well aware of the charges leveled against Father Anthony Cipolla long before he was hailed as our Champion against repeated charges of child rape.
Pontillo and Cipolla: Tales by Patrick A Pontillo & his lies to cover for his pederast accomplice.
Pennsylvania Diocese Orders Removal of Former Bishops’ Names From Church Buildings
Bishop Ronald Gainer, center, has ordered that the names of former bishops dating back to the 1940s be removed from church buildings, schools, and halls in the Harrisburg, Pa., diocese.CreditMike Staugaitis/The News-Item, via Associated Press
Anticipating the release of a state grand jury report exposing decades of mishandled cases of child sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church in Pennsylvania, the bishop of Harrisburg on Wednesday ordered the removal of the names of former bishops dating to the 1940s from church buildings, schools, and halls.
This was the first time a bishop has conducted such a sweeping purge of his predecessors’ symbolic legacies, although the names of individual bishops and priests involved in the sexual abuse scandal have previously been excised from church buildings.
“I express profound sorrow and I apologize to the survivors of sexual abuse, to the Catholic faithful and to the general public for the abuses that took place and for those church officials who failed to protect children,” the bishop, Ronald W. Gainer of Harrisburg, said in a news conference.
The move comes as Catholics in the United States have been reeling from a new wave of accusations that have brought down an American cardinal and revealed possible cover-ups at the church’s highest levels. Church officials knew for years about allegations that the former cardinal, Theodore McCarrick, had sexually molested young men training to be priests in New Jersey, according to news reports, but failed to take action.
With outraged Catholics calling for a Vatican investigation into Archbishop McCarrick, the president of the United States bishops’ conference, Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, the archbishop of Galveston-Houston and president, released a statement on Wednesday saying that the accusations “reveal a grievous moral failure within the church.” He said that the bishops’ conference had begun to consider a course of action, and would “pursue the many questions” raised by the case “to the full extent of its authority.”
Archbishop McCarrick, who is 88, resigned from the College of Cardinals last week after an additional report that for years he sexually abused a boy he had known ever since baptizing him as a baby. The archbishop, a globally known figure who had led the Washington archdiocese, is set to face a church trial.
In Pennsylvania, Catholic leaders have been bracing for the scheduled release in August of what is expected to be a bombshell grand jury report examining the scope of child sexual abuse in the state. Josh Shapiro, the Pennsylvania attorney general, has said that the report would be a comprehensive look at accusations against more than 300 priests in six dioceses, dating back seven decades.
Archbishop Theodore McCarrick’s downfall revealed possible cover-ups at the church’s highest levels.CreditShawn Thew/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Bishop Gainer announced steps on Wednesday to address the failures. He waived the confidentiality agreements of abuse victims who had received settlements from the diocese, permitting them to speak publicly without fear of legal repercussions. He released the names of 71 priests, deacons, and seminarians who have been credibly accused of abuse in Harrisburg since 1947, the period examined by the grand jury. And he said the diocese had posted new guidelines to prevent child sexual abuse (the American bishops adopted a set of guidelines in 2002 after an outbreak of sexual abuse allegations in Boston).
With his blanket decree, Bishop Gainer did not say whether all of his predecessors had been negligent in handling abuse. Among the former Harrisburg, bishops are Kevin C. Rhoades, who is serving as the bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend. Another is Cardinal William H. Keeler, who as archbishop of Baltimore was the first American bishop to volunteer to post the names of priests accused of abuse in his archdiocese. Cardinal Keeler died in 2017.
Bishop Gainer is the president of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, the church’s statewide public policy arm, which has lobbied state lawmakers against expanding the statute of limitations in cases of child sexual abuse.
A spokesman for state attorney general, Joe Grace, called the release of the names of accused perpetrators “long past due.” He said that the Harrisburg diocese had pushed to end the grand jury investigation.
“Their proclamations today only come after intense public pressure and in the face of the imminent release of the grand jury report exposing decades of child abuse and cover-up,” Mr. Grace said.
Bishop Gainer said in the news conference that he had intended to publish a list of accused perpetrators earlier, but waited because he had been asked by the attorney general’s office to hold off while the grand jury was investigating.
The grand jury report has been ready for many weeks, but its release was delayed by objections from people who are said to be named. The state Supreme Court decided recently to allow the release of a redacted version of the report. It will cover the dioceses of Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, and Scranton. Another grand jury report, released in 2016, cataloged the scope of abuse in one small Pennsylvania diocese, that of Altoona-Johnstown, and found that bishops there had failed to notify police or remove the abusers from ministry.
News of that last grand jury report prompted hundreds of victims to call a hotline set up in the office of the previous attorney general, Kathleen G. Kane.
02-26-18 Mr. Pontillo, I do not understand your motivation for disparaging our name and reputation? It must be a terrible misunderstanding on your part that began the whole "He Says / She Says" regarding Cipolla. You and he have been agitating us for years with your #false allegations #concocted # misrepresentations # contemptable #public since 2009 that I am aware of, probably much longer. I just tried to dissuade you. This ridiculous posting game we are playing can be over, finally. I admit I thought I could resolve this by posting the truth. Mrs. Randy Engel tried to enlighten people to the fact that the scheming ex-priest Fr Anthony J Cipolla was not who he pretended to be when she wrote.
The Sex Abuse Case AgainstFather Anthony J. Cipolla. Part I - Setting the Record Straight. By Randy Engel. Introduction. On the morning of Tuesday, August 30 ... The typos were because "I" made a few purely accidental mistakes in transposing the original information from the 1978 paperwork. Since I was copying from the original, Mrs. Engel assumed I proof checked it before I sent it to her. It wasn't her mistake it was mine. You began ridiculing and degrading her fine work...because of a typo...I made.
You, Mr. Pontillo, owe Mrs. Engel an apology for the ridicule you subjected her to. You published defamatory remarks about an accomplished writer and journalist. She doesn't blindly accuse and berate you or anyone. Randy knows the responsibility of writing responsibly. You, on the other hand, do not. You are unmerciful in your comments and opinions of her...which proves to your readers that you are green with jealousy. You show "your ignorance" and prove that you are just a "hack" when you poke fun at a (real writer). You only "wish" you had her ability to become a Talented, Trusted Journalist and Author. Randy Engel doesn't lie or manufacture the items in her journals. If it's not true, she's not interested. She would flatly refuse to write if she had to lie. She has integrity a trait you surely lack. How can you be Catholic and not know Truth? You learn The Commandments in First and Second Grade. Didn't your mom and dad teach you anything? It's the kind of thing that's important to know from the time you're a little child. "Tell The Truth, or shut up!!"
Maybe we can get past this misunderstanding. I'm tired of being angry at you for all the lies and insults you are spreading on the internet. I'd like it all to stop if you don't mind. I apologize for getting upset with you when I discovered that you were trash-talking me and my children online. That was 2009. I didn't take into consideration the fact that you were under the influence of Anthony Cipolla and actually believed him. I humbly apologize for insulting you, for the things you wrote about me. I was shocked at the enormity and the lengths you went to when slandering my family on the web. Mr. Pontillo kept reposting in his blogs complete lies about me and my family...yet... he praised the perverted priest who deliberately raped and terrorized my sons saying, my little boys were guilty of conspiracy against this innocent priest. Ten years later he got caught again and the Catholic Church paid out a lot of money for that. That young man got an Attorney...who stood up to the Church. In 1978: we had no one but me, my two sons 9 and 12 and the two Detectives handling the case. We went up against the Pittsburgh Catholic Diocese Attorney and the District Attorney who stopped us from continuing to press the charges against Fr Anthony J Cipolla for molesting my sons...and I was forced to sign an expungement request. We left Pittsburgh as soon as we could arrange the move to Cleveland Ohio. That town was full of job openings in assembly and manufacturing. So we saved money at a bank for the first time ever. Half of my earnings went straight to the bank. We prospered there but...we were all traumatized from July 1978 and tried desperately to forget it. At one time:I actually believed you Mr. Pontillo were Anthony Cipolla acting alone, and I believed you were using the name P A Pontillo as an alias to get Cipolla's lies and excuses out in order to gather pity and donations from Cipolla's sympathizers. I didn't realize you were just a poor misguided fan-boy of the "great liar". Cipolla bilked thousands of dollars from unsuspecting Catholics with his "Padre Pio Show" among other (Saintly acts). Wake up Pontillo, you are supposedly a man who is streetwise. Cipolla has bamboozled smarter people than you and me Pontillo. He outsmarted the Apostolic Signatura in Rome before he ever met you. I'll freely admit you are an intelligent individual, but you are terribly misinformed on most points regarding 1977-78 and the Cipolla Arrest. Pat, some things were very different back then. You're 10 or so years younger than me...I was 32 when Cipolla raped two of my sons. I wasn't aware that he had designs on my 7-year-old too until the police confiscated Cipolla's medical bag he used to keep a B/P cuff, tongue depressors, stethoscope, thermometer...etc. The one
he used to help convince his victims to allow him to give them a wellness examination. "Cipolla was remorseless and calculating until the end of his life." He believed he was born deserving and entitled. The Detectives found 3 lined index cards in the medical bag too. Each one had a name in the left margin. The names of my three sons. Please, let's talk this out, Pontillo... You are a dedicated friend of a guy who you believe in. But... The incredible tales he sold you on, were, nothing but a stack of lies coincidences and excuses. Cipolla gathered them in the years following his first two Criminal sexual assaults (1978) on a child of nine & the another twelve...then another boy a twelve-year-old from 1982- 1988, who, when the boy turned "18" and old enough he got an Attorney and sued...Fr Cipolla and The Pittsburgh Diocese and a number of others he accused of allowing this behavior by Fr Cipolla to go on unchecked. He stated they were all somehow complicit. Cipolla used you, Pat, to get him noticed so he could collect more sympathy and donations he collected and pocketed. Neither of you expected "us" to discover this blog of yours and Cipolla's...but it was forwarded to us by a concerned friend who stumbled on it. I have begged and even demanded that you stop and leave us out of your blog because you won't print the truth, but you refuse to stop. The only reason I have for this blog is to put the truth out while you publish your lies. I can't help but feel that you are telling all these lies on purpose, so I tell the truth about what you balance things out. Maybe people will read your blog and not swallow your lying bait...if they read the truth I publish. You mentioned Christian Kindness. If you possess any, let me know. You have my home phone number and my email address and my blog. I give you my word I'll be civil. Let's solve this problem and find something else to do. You have a chance career in writing ahead of you, I'm sure. I've noticed your technique improved exceedingly in the past two years. You're almost professional sounding in your blog. Ditch the Cassius Clay "I am the greatest dialog." It only makes you sound immature...for your age. I'm trying to help you. I hate to see someone who tries so hard to make other's look foolish, make himself a laughing stock for believing Cipolla like we did...even when that individual does deserve a "Gob Smack" as you "most assuredly do".
07-29-2017 Mr. Pontillo, It's about time you were faced with the bitter truth, that Anthony Cipolla lied and maligned my family with you as his spokesperson. I'm willing to meet with you anywhere where we are all safe from reprisals. Think about it and if you aren't the "Coward of the county" you'll let me know right away. When you see the proof and talk with my sons you will know, you are grossly ill-informed and guilty of spreading false rumors and lies. You'll finally realize that Cipolla was guilty of deviate sexual behavior with young children. He should have been horsewhipped and run out of town...or treated for his illness in a mental hospital ...or incarcerated. Call me Pontillo, 321-757 4623, but only if you're serious. Let's get this over with. Email me:
Thanks...Diana 07-27-2017 Mr. Pontillo, Where do you want to meet? I'm serious. Your planned attacks on me and my sons have got to stop. You were not there in 1977-78. You have already admitted that yourself, in print on your blog. Your mental immaturity is showing because you have no idea what we went only know Cipolla's Story. All you really know for sure is what Cipolla told you and he was the Prince Of Lies. Cipolla was a sneaking, lying, carnival pitchman in a cassock and you believe he told YOU the truth? Don't make me laugh Pontillo. You had it all figured out, with Cipolla's sob stories and with both of your propensities to two tried to build a suit against the Church...and a charitable cause for the faithful to contribute to. Just like Cipolla did earlier and got caught by the Bishop. That Padre Pio Charity he started had no affiliation with any legitimate charity, remember Mr. Pontillo??? Wasn't it discussed in the newspapers and The Pittsburgh Catholic as I recall? I have a copy of it.
Pontillo and Cipolla's list of lies from one of their most recent attacks. I know Anthony Cipolla is dead but "his buddy...Pat Pontillo" perpetuates Cipolla's scathing lies in order to inflict their revenge
upon us, for "their" crimes and for Cipolla getting caught and (red flagged) by the Catholic Church. We didn't do that to him, he did that to himself. Why punish us? My sons were some of his victims.
We reported him to the police. We were strong-armed by his followers.
nounbuddyplural nounbuddies
a close friend.
a working companion with whom close cooperation is required.
Why do you continue to post those old outdated papers as proof of anything?? Yes, back in 2014 someone received an invoice and an individual who claimed to be Pat Pontillo (may or may not have) signed those invoices on that date in 2014 or even 2017. "Which actually is, "proof" of nothing!" Do you copy that Mr. Pontillo?
Your use of the word "Proof" is a mockery of the word Truth in any language, Mr. Pontillo. Keep on raving like
a loon and you'll ruin what's left of your questionable reputation.
I think you were bewitched by Cipolla. Go to confession Mr. Pontillo...and Let my people go...
09-07-20 Thank you for reading my blog. You have all been forewarned about A Noted Pervert from the Pittsburgh Diocese and his Very Good Buddy Pat A Pontillo, who smears the web with lies about people he doesn't even know. He captures your interest with pretty pictures then turns it up a notch and gets you reading the Lies and Fabrications he concocts. He's convincing but not credible. Sometimes he plagiarizes others, like the woman writer I know from New Jersey. She threatened him with the law if he didn't cease and desist. Another distinguished writer, Randy Engel, just chooses to ignore him because his lies aren't worth her time, and doesn't affect her fan base or readers. Pontillo insults Randy Engel and refers to her as an Old Hag. She has never said one word about Pontillo. She writes books and articles, some are available on Amazon. Pontillo is a "pseudo" journalist and he is jealous of Randy's fan...
02-27-20 Good News...The Pittsburgh Catholic Church Attorney's have made a cash offer to my eldest son for his suffering and sexual abuse at the hands of Father Anthony J. Cipolla in 1977 and he is considering the offer. My youngest son's case is next since Father Anthony J. Cipolla sexually assaulted him in 1978. The cases were being considered individually. Next, I will have an opportunity to have my case heard against the Pittsburgh Roman Catholic Diocese and the other co-conspirators who protected Father Anthony J Cipolla from prosecution and any semblance of Justice For The Victims. The post below mine was just re-posted today by a detractor who coincidentally slanders me and my friends and family and was a minion of the pederast priest Father Anthony J Cipolla. He publishes a series of lies in order to ( Halt!!) the true story that was coming out of a prime example of all The Pittsburgh Catholic Church Sexual Misconduct Cover-up...with indisputable...
03-13-2021 I perused your site to see if you took down any or all of those lies you've been publishing on your blog. What gave you the right to begin slandaring my family online in 2015, and you continue to this very day? You are a weird but talented (man??). I know you love your journals but telling the truth is the only way to overcome your lack of readers. Readers loved you until you let them down with crazy News Breaking Stories that You embellish. ......................................................................................................... Once people lose faith in the Author, you're like any other comic strip, or brassiere ad, pretty pictures or not. Nobody likes a 'Liar' Pontillo and you now hold that "Title". More over, in the six years I've known, of you. You call everyone liars. Anyone who doesn't agree with you 100%, for any reason, gets smashed under your heal of disapproval, because you lack a concience. You can't ...
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